Compliance Essentials: Key Personnel (Directors Cut)

This condensed version of our Compliance Essentials: Key Personnel Masterclass has been designed specifically for Directors and Board Members to better understand the specific aged care compliance landscape, their role and obligations as key personnel of Approved Providers.

Recommended for: Designed for Directors and Board Members of Aged Care Providers (residential and home care).

Recommended for: Designed for Directors and Board Members of Aged Care Providers (residential and home care).

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Comprehensive Aged Care Education Session: Key Modules and Flexible Delivery

  • The education session covers 6 modules addressing key aspects of aged care regulations, including legislation, reforms, and provider responsibilities.
  • Participants will gain insights into topics like compliance, quality standards, clinical governance, and the Serious Incident Response Scheme.
  • The session offers flexibility with online delivery, recorded modules, and supplementary reading materials.
  • An optional module explores NDIS provider responsibilities and regulatory issues for a comprehensive educational experience.

What topics are discussed?

  • Module 1 – Legislation, Key Reforms, Regulatory Administration, Approved Provider Responsibilities, and Key Personnel
  • Module 2 – Approved Provider Responsibilities
  • Module 3 – Compliance and Consequences of Non-Compliance, Sanctions and Review of Decisions, and Compliance Remediation
  • Module 4 – Aged Care Quality Standards and Substitute Decision-Making
  • Module 5 – Clinical Governance and Consumer-Facing Risk
  • Module 6 – Serious Incident Response Scheme, Restrictive Practices, and Upcoming Reform Agenda
  • Module 7 (Optional) – NDIS Provider Responsibilities and Regulatory Issues

This condensed masterclass is designed for Directors and Board Members of Aged Care Providers to understand their role and obligations in the specific aged care compliance landscape. Recommended for Directors and Board Members of Aged Care Providers.

How is the masterclass delivered?

  • 6 Modules: The session is divided into 6 condensed modules, each addressing specific content related to aged care.
  • Duration: Each module has a duration of 45 minutes, allowing for focused learning.
  • Online Delivery: The session is conducted online, providing convenience and accessibility.
  • Recordings: Recordings of each module are provided, enabling participants to access the content at a time that suits them.
  • Reading Materials and Handouts: Comprehensive reading materials and handouts are provided to supplement the learning experience.
  • Coming in April 2024 – Reform 2024 Module 

Start your enrolment today

$ 595.00 +GSTAdd to cart