Compliance Health Check

Compliance Health Check

Our Compliance Health Check offers a comprehensive assessment to ensure your organisation is well-prepared for regulatory visits. Through expert evaluations and tailored recommendations, we help enhance your compliance readiness and improve care services. Gain peace of mind and excel in aged care with our cost-effective support for accreditation visits and quality audits.

When Was Your Last Check-Up?

Our tool provides a high-level and effective review. You will have a clear understanding of your organisation’s internal policies, processes, and readiness for an Assessment Visit or Quality Review.

Woman sitting at table, using computer and typing on keyboard

Supporting Your Assessment Visits

Proactively prepare for your Commission assessment visit with our expert-led Compliance Health Check. This comprehensive one-day assessment identifies potential compliance risks and provides tailored recommendations for improvement. Empower your team to excel during accreditation visits and quality audits, ensuring your organisation delivers exceptional care and services.

Demonstrate a proactive risk management approach and instil confidence in your team

What to Expect During Your Check-Up

Entry Meeting

We follow the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission’s assessment visit process. The process thoroughly reviews entry questions, complaints register, and SIRS reportable.

Environmental Audit (Residential Audit)

Our team will assess your service’s current environment against industry standards and best practices. We provide detailed recommendations to help you meet your compliance obligations.

Consumer Engagement/Documentation Review

We will engage with a sample of older persons and/or representatives. Gathering feedback on their overall wellness and satisfaction with the care and services provided.

Enhancing Aged Care Assessment Readiness

Navigate the complexities of aged care compliance with clarity and control. Our expert-led Compliance Health Check provides a comprehensive one-day assessment of your service. The Check identifies potential risks and empowers your team to confidently meet the Commission’s standards. Gain valuable insights, strengthen your risk management strategy, and ensure your organization delivers exceptional care.

Harmonious collaboration in aged care. Through meticulous planning and compassionate teamwork, we elevate senior living standards, fostering dignity, companionship, and holistic well-being for our beloved elders.

Why Anchor Excellence?

Anchor Excellence enables aged care leaders – boards, executives, managers – to strengthen their capability, align to the new industry dynamics, and deliver sustainable businesses.


We are there for our clients when they need us


We are genuine and always reflect our true selves


We work collaboratively with our clients and stakeholders

Results are one conversation away!